Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What am I?

Journal Entry: “What am I?”

The lake affects me differently than the ocean . . . especially Lake Michigan. There is an ancient magic in Lake Michigan . . . timelessness . . . a quietly powerful energy that evokes contemplation and inspires creativity. While the ocean calls out from the ends of the Universe, the lake calls out from within my soul. The lake brings me peace and serenity . . . the ocean ignites my fires and passions.

I lay on the white sand with my face towards the sun, and I listen to the water. I rise and walk into the lake, feeling her force push against my body . . . until the water not longer ebbs at my flesh, but passes through me as if I did not exist.

I ask God, “If I am nothing that this water can pass right through me, what am I?” God speaks simultaneously, “You are the water.”

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